Erika Rose
Chief Architect
Erika Rose is a Luminous Warrior Priestess of Love, a proud Mama & Wife, and a Multidimensional Creator. Weaving 20 years of music industry experience with a lifelong study and practice in Spirituality and Wellness, LadyRose is the Chief Architect of this Vision.
Chief Builder
David is a Salt of the Earth dude, who’s the rock for his family and keeper of the land. With a keen eye, he can turn most anything into art, and is especially enamored with recycled materials. He brings 20 years of restaurant and hospitality experience, and is in turn the Chief Builder of this Vision.
Zenith Wolf
Young Master Teacher
Zenith Wolf is an old soul who loves cooking, farming, and drumming. He brings the Joy, Laughter & Innocence to this Vision.